The Men's Ministry at Liberty exists to gladly spend our lives to see the Gospel transform the next generation. We seek to connect men of all ages to one another, building relationships and fostering unity that will support spiritual growth. We develop intentional events and organic strategies to this end. We are men of God–often struggling, sometimes failing–nevertheless, always committed to share His Word. We are directed by God to be:

  • Spiritual leaders in our homes.
  • Examples of Christian love and charity in our communities.
  • Builders of a strong Christian fellowship among believers in Christ's church.

As men, we all will fail. The challenges of life, temptations we face, and our own shortcomings stand against us. But as Jesus teaches, and as the early Christian church proved, we are strong when we stand together—and stronger still as Christ unites us.

More, our bond and direction, anchored in God’s grace and the message of salvation, serves to show the next generation God's power that will flow to them as they faithfully serve God’s purposes. So, we too gladly spend our lives to see God's message, the Gospel of power, transform the next generation. From the home, to the church, the workplace and beyond, we live on mission for the King. 

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